33 research outputs found

    Zonage des paysages de viticulture de montagne pour une valorisation de produits à forte identité

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    International audienceMountain agriculture is made ​​difficult by the geomorphological complexity of the territory. This is especially true for viticulture: over the centuries the work of men in such a difficult environment has produced unique, and valuable landscapes. Whereas some of these mountain viticultural sites have earned a place in the World Heritage List of UNESCO, not all of them are being actively preserved. In order to protect "heroic viticulture" it is crucial to build a complete and systematic inventory of these sites. In partnership with the "Centro di Ricerca, Studi e Valorizzazione della Viticoltura Montana" (CERVIM), we developed a methodology to produce a landscape zoning of mountain territories or steep slopes territories. This methodology is largely based on geographic information systems (GIS), and consists of a serie of analyses on high resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM), obtained by Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR). We developed a methodology to identify two major components of these landscapes: flat areas, slope failure/break demarcation, and their succession. We developed an automated chain of landscape classification analyses on two areas (Val di Cembra Italy and Banyuls, France) which might be also applicated to larger areas. In addition to the technical processes, this method allowed us to understand the processes that created such landscapes. We also proposed a prototype of web interface that would allow the wine consumers to verify the mountain provenance of production. The underlying idea is to reconcile the mass consumer with the "heroic" territory that he is about to consume.Nous nous sommes lancés en 2011 dans la réalisation d'un prototype qui pourrait ensuite servir d'exemple aux partenaires européens du CERVIM. Pour cela, nous avons sélectionné un territoire type (en conditions structurales difficiles) pour lequel il existait des données géographiques. Nous avons donc travaillé sur le Val di Cembra dans le Trentino en Italie

    Cartographie web : comment construire le lien entre territoire et consommateur ?

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    National audienceDans le contexte hyper concurrentiel de la viticulture globalisée, la viticulture de fortes pentes, élément majeur de la structuration de paysages emblématiques, est aujourd'hui la grande oubliée de la recherche et du développement de la viticulture. Dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre le CERVIM, l'université de Limoges (GEOLAB), et la fondation E. Mach (Trentino, Italie), nous avons cherché à développer des outils pour la valorisation et la sauvegarde de ces paysages. Du traitement de la donnée à l'exposition au public, nous présenterons ici toutes les phases qui ont conduit à la réalisation d'un prototype de serveur cartographique permettant de créer un lien entre le consommateur et le territoire (voire le terroir) de production


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    International audienceIn the actual economic and social difficulty through the wine regions, we seek to explore the consequences of the existence of a recurrent structure in mountain areas: the cooperative. Through simulations based on agents based modeling we explore the social and landscapist implications of a social structuration of wine societies.Dans le contexte économiques difficile que traverse les territoires viticoles, nous cherchons à explorer les conséquences de l'existence d'une structure récurant dans les territoires de montagne: la coopérative. Au travers de simulations basé sur des systèmes multi-agents nous explorerons les implications sociales et paysagères d'une viticulture socialement structurée

    LAME : un outil pour comprendre les dynamiques spatiales des territoires viticoles de montagne

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    International audienceIn wine producing regions, landscape dynamics depend on the complex structure of land use and cover. Land speculation and fluctuations in production costs are some of the most influential factors for the landscape as well as for local wine producers. From a structural analysis of the key agents involved in wine production, we propose a methodology based on modeling spatial dynamics of mountainous viticulture to evaluate the impact of key variables on this landscape. Based on individual-centered modeling, our experiment highlights correlations between wine production and two key variables, namely the distance to market and the spatial organization. Also the model may help visualize abandonment of rural areas and hence provide a decision-support tool to react to changing environmental conditions

    How much can a virtual territory help us to understand the resilience of the heroic viticulture? A case study in Trentino (IT)

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    International audienceIn Trentino (IT) two types of vineyard landscape coexist in dynamic equilibrium: the valley is mechanized and plots have a great extent, on the steep slopes a terraced viticulture developes with small size plots and little mechanization is possible. In this work we assume that the emergence of two different contexts-steep slopes and the valleys-result from the complexity of the processes that underlie the development of a territory, and the different factors in play should be studied in their intrinsic diversity because none of them should be considered as the main cause of the emergence of the landscape structure. With some simple (but not simplistic) assumptions on the landscape structure the authors developed a parsimonious agent-based model for the simulation of these dynamics. The results obtained were compared with the historical evolution of the landscape documented in historical archives and with the current state of the territory. The goal is to determine the plausibility of such a simplified model that can describe the evolution of the landscape to the current configurations. We will show, finally, the representations of the model and the dynamics of two viticultural landscapes of the Trentino region (IT)

    Duri come i muri reloaded: Il capitale paesaggistico e la rivoluzione del terroir

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    International audienceWith this presentation we want to show the conceptual path that, starting from the analysis of the characteristics of two terraced vine-growing areas(Val di Cembra, IT and Banyuls-sur-Mer, FR), led us to the formulation of the concept of the "landcapital" (the landscape as a capital). We are convinced that the precise quantification of this capital - the identifiability and the identity of a landscape- provides an estimator of the added value to the consumer of the bottle of the typical wine. However, the terraced vineyard landscape, subjected to the pressure of both the climate change and the globalized wine market, has to be studied in its dynamic spatio-temporal evolution. Indeed we would like to develop methods to quantify the landscape capital based on the analysis of multiple possible scenarios thus providing useful tools for participatory discussion and policy-making thus helping the development of these territories in the medium to long term.Con questa presentazione vogliamo mostrare il percorso concettuale che,partendo dall'analisi delle caratteristiche di due territori viticoli terrazzati (Val di Cembra, IT e Banyuls-sur-Mer, FR), ci ha portato alla formulazione del concetto di "capitale paesaggistico". Siamo infatti convinti che la precisa quantificazione di questo capitale, legato all'identificabilità del territorio e dagli elementi di identità paesaggistica, fornisca la stima di un valore aggiunto per il consumatore della bottiglia di vino. Tuttavia il paesaggio viticolo terrazzato, sottoposto alla pressione del cambiamento climatico e di un mercato del vino globalizzato, deve essere studiato nella sua evoluzione dinamica nello spazio e nel tempo.Infatti i metodi che vorremmo sviluppare per quantificare il capitale paesaggistico si basano sull'analisi degli scenari possibili fornendo così strumenti di discussione partecipativa e di decisione politica per la valorizzazione di questi territori nel medio-lungo periodo

    Chasing the landscape capital in space and time: a model for Val di Cembra

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    International audienceThe landscape is the perception of a territory at a given time: it was shown that the landscape increases the perception of the quality of the wine to the consumer. The terraced, fragmented landscape of the Cembra Valley has been used for decades to identify the wine of the Trentino region (IT). However, we are witnessing a disintegration of the traditional terraced landscape to favor the aggregation of plots and the introduction of mechanization practices, still benefiting of the surrounding characterizing elements. This erosion of the landscape is reflected in the perception of an entire territory and therefore in the ability to bind a portion of the value of the wine to the quality perceived by the consumer through the landscape. In this sense, the landscape becomes a capital distributed in space and both the political choices and the individual choice modify and aggregates this common capital. So we decided to use the Agent Based Modeling to describe the dynamics of this capital in space and time in multiple scenarios spanning from the rigid conservation of the identifying elements of the territory up to the complete destruction of the traditional terraced landscape. We will here present a first attempt to define the landscapital to identify, in the future, its evolution is space and time and so providing the community and policy-makers with an operational tool to understand how today's choices affect the future landscape in the medium and long term

    EĚ€ possibile descrivere la resistenza dei paesaggi vitati di montagna utilizzando un territorio virtuale? Il caso trentino

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    International audienceIl paesaggio è la percezione che l’uomo ha dell’ambiente che lo circonda e del risultato dei processi dinamici nel tempo e nello spazio che agiscono su un territorio.Nell’ultimo secolo i paesaggi agricoli hanno subìto cambiamenti radicali in risposta a forti trasformazioni sociali e importanti innovazioni tecnologiche. Queste ultime, in generale, hanno reso possibile lo sfruttamento di maggiori superfici agrarie con minori costi di manodopera. La meccanizzazione di alcune pratiche agronomiche è una spinta innovativa che ha agito in maniera disomogenea: nelle zone di montagna e/o in quelle in forte pendenza persiste un’agri- coltura composta da piccoli appezzamenti, spesso terrazzati, dove la meccanizzazione risulta difficile o impossibile. Tuttavia, nonostante le difficoltà gestionali legate alla conformazione orografica, questi paesaggi si sono mantenuti nel tempo conservando una forte e peculiare identità territoriale.In Trentino (IT) coesistono in equilibrio dinamico due tipologie di paesaggio vitato: il fondovalle è meccanizzato e gli appezzamenti hanno estensione maggiore, sui versanti a forte pendenza si sviluppa una viticoltura di montagna terrazzata, di piccola taglia ed a bassissima meccanizzazione.In questo lavoro si ipotizza che l’emergenza dei due differenti contesti viticoli - di forte pendenza e di fondovalle - scaturisca dalla complessità dei processi che sottendono lo sviluppo di un territorio, che i differenti fattori in gioco debbano essere studiati nella loro diversità intrinseca e che nessuno di questi singoli fattori possa essere considerato come la causa principale.Basandosi su ipotesi semplici di strutturazione del paesaggio è stato sviluppato un modello parsimonioso basato su un sistema multiagente per la simulazione di queste dinamiche. I risultati ottenuti sono stati messi a confronto con l’evoluzione storica del paesaggio documentata in alcuni archivi storici e con lo stato attuale del territorio.L’obiettivo è determinare la plausibilità di un modello semplificato che possa descrivere sia le forzanti socio-economiche complesse sia l’evoluzione del paesaggio verso le configurazioni attuali. Si mostreranno, infine, le rappresentazioni preliminari del modello sviluppato per descrivere le dinamiche di evoluzione del paesaggio viticolo trentino sottoposto a queste forzanti

    Thermal remote sensing of the urban microclimate change in a post earthquake depopulation: the case study of L’Aquila (Italy)

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    This study presents an attempt to use Landsat satellite images to detect the urban microclimate changes of the city centre after the earthquake that affected L'Aquila city (Abruzzo region), on April 2009. In fact, after the main seismic event, the collapse of the most part of the buildings and the consequent almost total depopulation of historic city center may have caused a change in the microclimate. This work targets the development of an inexpensive work flow - by using the Landsat ETM+ scenes - to construe the evolution of the urban land use after the catastrophic earthquake that hit the L’Aquila city on 2009, April 6. The choice to use freely available high resolution remote-sensed images and the Free and Open Source tools for the GIS analysis of the data could help the local governance to monitor the spatial dynamics of the urban area and to state effective policies to manage such events in the long-term and at low cost. We hypothesized, in fact, that probably before the earthquake the temperature was higher in the city center due to the presence of inhabitants (and thus home heating); while the opposite situation happened in the surrounding areas were new settlement of inhabitants grew in few months. The study wants to evaluate if the use of Landsat archive images could provide useful information to understand the urban changes induced by catastrophic event